Saturday, July 10, 2010

my sister post

i love my best family .. and i luv my older sister rashawn and brother deshawn

as the drakness comes

As darkness falls i stay awake as light appear i go to sleep a bloodsucker you might think.I dont know ,but one thing im sure of blood is not for me.Like now it is 1 20 in the morning the perfect time for me to stay up but when it touch 6 o clock i have to fall a sleep or the sun will burn my eyes. Wakeing up to a bight star in the sky hitting your eyes and its burning like crazy.what is this...let me guess never mind its just me being a teenager sleeping all day for the summer like most teens do

Friday, July 9, 2010

the world

As children a little younger deen me grow up they think the world is wonderful place, but its not. Crimes are made every day, and rules is broken every hour. The world is not all bad. The little children think its all good all the time but dats not true. Dont get me wrong but this world we live in is not good, but not all bad.Only if we can live in peace. NO BLACK ON BLACK CRIME AND NO WHITE ON BLACK CRIME. Just a peace fill world where us kids can grow up safely. THANK YOU FOR READING NOW PLEASE COMMENT